Qatari-Tajik Relations…Promising Future and Steadfast Development at Multiple Levels /Report

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Doha, June 08 (QNA) – HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani commenced on a state visit to the Republic of Tajikistan during which His Highness will hold official talks with HE President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at the Presidential Palace “Palace of the Nation” in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe and will tackle the existing friendship and cooperation ties between the two countries, ways to enhance and develop them in various fields, in addition to discussing latest developments of shared interest at the regional and international arenas.

The visit of HH the Amir is expected to contribute to developing relations between the two countries, supporting and promoting them and moving them to advanced phases of strategic partnerships, especially in economic, trade and investment fields for the benefit of the two countries and their friendly people.

Inception of the relationship between Qatar and Tajikistan dates to 1994, where the two countries agreed -at the margins of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit that was held in Morocco- to establish diplomatic relations between them on Dec. 13, 1994.

The Qatari Embassy was inaugurated in Dushanbe on Nov. 2, 2012, while the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan was inaugurated in Doha on Oct. 5, 2011, implying that relations between the two countries this year mark the 29th anniversary of their founding and comes in a time their bilateral relations have been promoted to the high level of durability and excellence, and steadfast development at various levels and areas of mutual interest.

The existing good and solid relations between the two countries derive their activity and strength from spiritual and historic ties and commonalities between the Tajik and Qatari peoples from one side,and the existing fraternal ties between the leaders of the two countries HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and his brother HE President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

The relations are based on joint historic and civilized values, principle of fraternity and understanding, and consideration for interests and shared respect which have been promoted through persistent political consultation and trade and the great trade and economic exchange between the two countries.

The historic relations that brought the two countries together since the 1990s have succeeded whose impact is demonstrated in sharing state visits between senior leaders in reflecting their shared keenness to consolidate cooperation ties in all fields and promoting them to wider prospects for the service of the joint interests of the two countries and moving forward to fostering partnership at trade and investment levels based on clear frameworks in consistent with economic orientations of the two countries.

The shared official visits at the highest levels have contributed to strengthening these relations through a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding have been signed between Qatar and Tajikistan, in addition to sharing visits of several delegations between the two countries at the ministerial, trade and investment levels.

One of the most prominent shared state visits at the summit level between the two countries was the visit of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to Tajikistan to participate in the 5th Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) held in June 2019, where His Highness held official session of talks with HE Emomali Rahmon, and the official visit of HH the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani to Tajikistan in the summer of 2007.

On the other side, there was the first official visit of HE President Emomali Rahmon to the State of Qatar in May 2007, and his second official visit during Feb. 5-7, 2017. Moreover, in 2015 HE Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Kokhir Rasulzoda visited the State of Qatar.

In addition, a series of agreements and memorandums of understanding that were been signed between the two countries have contributed to supporting and developing bilateral relations in various fields, as the two countries have similar and close positions pertaining to numerous pivotal international and regional issues and files as the two countries are keen to cooperate in pursuit of safeguarding international security and peace, and there is a close cooperation between the two countries within the framework of international and regional organizations with the United Nations and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) coming at the forefront, as well as CICA.

Within the framework of the continued political consultations between the two countries, political consultations round was held in in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe last May between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries through which bilateral cooperation ties were discussed, in addition to a broad range of topics of mutual interest.

In February 2023, the Qatari-Tajik joint labor committee held a meeting in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe and discussed aspects of joint cooperation and exchange of expertise in the labor field, facilitation of the recruitment of professional laborers from Tajikistan, mechanisms of implementing the signed agreement between the two countries on regulating manpower and other topics incorporated into the agenda.

The joint intergovernmental trade-economic and technical committee is a pivotal mechanism and vital element to activate and follow up on economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries.

In the context of positive developments being witnessed by the distinguished relations between the two countries, Tajikistan decided to exempt citizens of the State of Qatar from entry visas starting from Jan. 1, 2023. 

HE the Ambassador of Tajikistan said that his country regards Qatar as an advanced and developed country in the Middle East and at the global level in general. Strengthening and developing cooperation with Qatar represents one of the priority directions in his country’s foreign policy, he added. He expressed his country’s aspiration to take the economic and trade cooperation relations between the two countries to the level of their political relations as both sides are keen on taking advantage of the available opportunities to activate these relations for the benefit of both countries.

He pointed out that the biggest challenge facing the trade and investment movement between Tajikistan and Qatar is that his country is considered a landlocked country, as intra-trade in contemporary times in light of the increasing competitions needs less expensive transportation methods.

Therefore, resolving the logistical issue is of utmost importance to activate trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. He noted that Qatar is a pioneer among Arab countries in the investment market in Tajikistan through the “Diar Dushanbe” project, which is being developed by the Qatar Diar Company. The total cost of the project is estimated at $300 million.

Its first phase has been completed, and the second phase is scheduled to start during this year, he said, hoping that this project would be an incentive for Qatari investors to enter with confidence in the investment market in Tajikistan.

In this context, he said that the renewable energy sector, particularly hydropower, is one of the priorities of the Tajik government to achieve sustainable economic development for the country, looking forward to the presence of Qatar in the investment areas in Tajikistan to implement hydropower projects through the Qatar Investment Authority and specialized Qatari companies.

He added that Tajikistan is a country rich in water resources, and it ranks first in the region and eighth in the world in terms of hydroelectric energy resources, which are estimated at 527 billion kilowatt-hours, but the country exploits only 4 or 5 percent of these resources, noting that about 98 percent of the electricity in the country is produced by renewable hydropower.

HE the Ambassador touched on the joint governmental committee for economic, commercial and technical cooperation as it represents a pivotal mechanism and an important element for activating and following up economic, commercial and investment cooperation between Tajikistan and Qatar.

The third session of the joint committee meetings was held in Dushanbe from August 29-31, 2018, and saw the signing of the meeting protocol, which stresses the need to enhance cooperation in the economic and trade fields in addition to the sectors of banking, health, education, culture, sports, and tourism. Discussions are taking place between the two sides to hold the fourth session of the committee’s meetings in Doha, he revealed, while looking forward to the next session producing practical results of cooperation, in a way that meets the directives of the two leaderships and the aspirations of the two peoples.

His Excellency stressed that there are promising opportunities and capabilities for both sides to enhance cooperation in various sectors of the economy and trade, especially in the investment sector, as Tajikistan has a promising and distinct investment climate, which gives foreign investors many guarantees and facilities to establish investment projects, and there are several areas to which Tajikistan gives priority in the course of its economic and social development as well as developing its investment market in order to achieve the plans and goals set within the 2030 National Development Strategy.

He also stressed that cultural cooperation is of great importance in strengthening relations between the two countries in general, and in bringing together the Tajik and Qatari peoples who have spiritual, civilizational and cultural ties that extend over centuries, hoping that cultural days for the State of Qatar will be organized in Tajikistan.

He said that the Tajik and Qatari peoples are linked by lofty civilizational and spiritual values and deep historical and cultural ties. These bonds and ties were cemented after Tajikistan gained its independence in 1991 and later recognized by the countries of the world as an independent, sovereign state, and an integral part of the international family.

He added that the State of Qatar was one of the first countries to announce its recognition of the sovereignty of Tajikistan. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the two parties have been moving forward towards continuing the path of constructive, mutually beneficial and steady cooperation relations at the political, economic and social levels that are based on fraternity, good understanding, dependence and respect, he added, noting that Qatar is today an important partner for Tajikistan in the Arab world and the Middle East region.

He also noted the State of Qatar’s remarkable humanitarian stances supporting Tajikistan in resolving social and humanitarian issues, especially in overcoming the effects of natural disasters.

He stressed that cooperation in the field of sports is also one of the important areas for relations between the two countries, and that sport in all times has a special and unique mission in promoting peace and friendship between different peoples, saying Qatar’s hosting of international championships in various sports reflects constructive efforts and future policy thinking in providing regional and international peace and stability.

Tajik athletes participated in several international matches in Doha, he said, praising the close cooperation between the two Olympic committees and other sports institutions in both countries.

HE the Ambassador of Tajikistan appreciated the role played by Qatar in the international arena, highlighting the high status of the State of Qatar internationally today. In cooperation with the international community, Qatar plays an active and constructive role in resolving crises, consolidating peace and sustainable development in various regions of the world, he added.

We welcome the activation of all means that help and facilitate the process of peace negotiations in Afghanistan and the solution of its problems. In this context, we consider the efforts of the State of Qatar important in advancing the peace process in Afghanistan, and we support it and hope that it will have positive results.

At the same time in the negotiations between the Afghan parties, we believe that it is necessary to consider, first of all, ensuring that the interests of the different factions and the different political and social groups in the country are taken into account, because without considering their interests, peace and stability cannot be achieved in Afghanistan.

Concluding his interview with QNA, he stressed that the conflict in Afghanistan cannot be resolved militarily. In this regard, providing a platform for dialogue and negotiations between Afghans in Doha is a historic opportunity to resolve conflicts in neighboring Afghanistan, he said.

Tajikistan’s firm position is that lasting peace in Afghanistan can only be achieved through the broad participation of Afghans, and it welcomes any initiative that opens the way for negotiation among the Afghans themselves, he stressed.

He also expressed Tajikistan’s readiness, within the framework of the efforts of the international community, to continue its practical contribution to the path of achieving peace, stability, and social and economic development in this neighboring country. (QNA)

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